Thursday, 18 February 2016



Representative of a prison cell block with 44 cells, all the cell doors can be shut by shooting a switch on the wall, , the switch moves closing the cell door, anyone who is inside the cell will get killed, there are two levels accessed by stairs as well as some teleporters in the lower cells, meant for fast action game play. - contains adult material

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Sunday, 7 February 2016



An extension to the previous map, this has three square rings of glass tunnels connected by ramps to each other, as all the tunnels are made of glass so you can see everywhere it's not easy, again based under the sea, meant for fast action game play.

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A facility built under the ocean with eight aquarium tanks filled with animated moving fish in them, surrounding the outside there is a glass observation tunnel that connects the two levels, meant for fast action game play.

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As the name suggests a merry go round based at the end of a pier, the horses on this ride go around and has a few girls on the horses, , there are a few girls around the map holding animated moving balloons, very pretty and color full, meant for fast action game play.

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