Friday, 31 July 2015



A barn with two levels connected by two stairways and two hay bail lifts, set out in both levels like a maze around the hay bails, meant for fast action game play.

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Sunday, 26 July 2015



Set in space, a giant beacon of light to show travelers the way, one main play area that has tunnels that goes all the way around and under, underneath there is the main hall underneath that has the emitter engine with beams feeding the crystal source emitter that gets transmitted above, the beams above and below will reduce health if you go through them. meant for fast action game play.

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Monday, 20 July 2015



A map based on a futuristic clone factory of females (Of course), there are 48 females  in two tiers with lift access to the second tier on the inner and outer walls, eight worker drones (From Half Life) survey the cloning process (Animated and moving) moving from female to female, all the females are being "Uploaded" with information via the monitors in front of them (Some pornographic images), meant for fast action game play - contains adult material.

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015



A giant Monopoly board about 7000 UT units square set on a table in a room where two girls are playing it, it's meant to be "Virtual" as all the houses, hotels and the main Logo are floating as though projected, meant for fast action game play.

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An old mining works with tunnel entrances / exits at the top and bottom connected by ramps, there are three mines at the top out of which there are two carts that come out and follow the ramp down, they will run you over and kill you, the mine entrances / exits are also teleporters, the map is about 8000 UT units square and is meant for fast action game play.

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Wednesday, 8 July 2015



Basically the same as Wtf-Concert-Hall-M and Wtf-Concert-Hall-RS but much smaller at around 6000 x 8000 "UT units", It's a concert room with tiers of seating (Non collision mesh so you can run straight through them) and a stage area, it has a looped video on the wall and an embedded song of "Casual Sex" meant for fast action game play - contains adult material.

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Sunday, 5 July 2015



A circular map segmented with walls where the openings have a waterfall flowing from floor to ceiling, the waterfalls have a water volume so you will be slowed down whilst going through the water, the floor also has shallow water throughout, on all the walls are various pictures of naked women in water, meant for fast action game play - contains adult material.

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Saturday, 4 July 2015



Two cargo trains traveling at speed through a tunnel, each train has various cargo and box cars, all the cargo is strapped down with animated straps, the tunnel has panning textures so it looks like it's moving, touching the walls or ceiling causes 10 health loss per second and the ground at 20 health loss per second, the floor is covered by "Fear Spots" so the bots won't jump off so much, meant for fast action game play.

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Thursday, 2 July 2015



Quite a large map based in a bedroom with an en-suite of an obsessed person liking Fergie (Black eyed pea's), 22 pictures around the walls and a looped video on the TV and Lap Top, "Shut Up" is the embedded song, meant for fast action game play.

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